Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Is it ok to love your job?

Is it OK to love your job? i have had a wonderful time learning and working with the Dept of Juvenile Justice. the thing is i don't think i was very prepared for what i was to experience. i do have to say i was a bit excited to work at DJJ and was also a bit scared, the training was great but it is like reading you a book on how to ride a bike not showing you how ( if that makes any sense ) after working in the units I have to say that I LOVE IT! and I have learned so much more in the units. i have had many scary things happen as these kids are children in adult bodies. most are gang members, bloods and crips, but i have earned respect from both sides and that is a good thing! the kids call me Big Harp and they all know when i mean business! i just hope in some small way i can reach at least one of these juveniles and make a difference in his life. i did have one of the kids come up and say to me " this is not a gay thing but i luv ya big harp" and he asked for a hug! it is sad to see the way these kids have been raised or not been raised. makes me very thankful for my children and Alona's children and how good they really are! my next post will be about how i need jesus in my life so the penocstal sp? say! lol


Alona said...

You love your job and I love mine. And we are a happy family.

(sung to the tune of the happy family primary song)

now if we can just hit the lottery!!

Connie said...

You two have to find a better place for your romance!!!! LOL!

The world needs people like you Paul who can work with these "deliquents" and LOVE their work...the burnout rate is phenomenal. So be sure to take care of you. Those kids are lucky to have you in their lives.

Anonymous said...

Im so happy for eerbody!